Analysis of Village Potential Through the Establishment of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDesa) in Bantul Regency

Dwi Sudaryati, Sucahyo Heriningsih, Lita Yulita Fitriyani


The village government is at the forefront of development. With the existence of Village Law No.6 of 2014 with a budget of billion rupiahs each year in the form of APBDesa, which must be properly allocated for the benefit of the community both in the infrastructure development sector and community empowerment, one of which can be accommodated through Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdesa). The existence of this BUMDesa is expected to be able to encourage economic life in the countryside with the aim of increasing the village economy and increasing the income of the village community. This study aims to identify the business units of BUMDesa established in Bantul Regency based on the existing potential in the Village. The research method is descriptive qualitative using a survey of a total population of 75 villages, which were identified only 38 villages that have BUMDesa, and only 32 villages for which BUMDesa data is available. This means that 50 percent of all villages have implemented community welfare programs with the BUMDesa establishment mechanism. This is possible because some village communities do not understand the meaning of BUMDesa, which can be used for poverty alleviation, even though there have been many successful Bumdes in Bantul Regency. From the results of the analysis, it was found that most of the villages had taken advantage of the potential of their villages. From the survey results, there were 18 villages that had more than 1 (one) business unit, and a total of 14 villages where BUMDesa had only one business unit. Of the 32 BUMDesa in Bantul, which are developed and independent, only three are BUMDesa in Panggungharjo Village, Srimartani Village, and Srigading Village.


Village-Owned Enterprises (Bumdesa).village potential

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