Carrying Capacity of Mercury Pollution to Rivers in the Gold Mining Area of Pancurendang Village, Banyumas

Johan Danu Prasetya, Dian Hudawan Santoso, Eni Muryani, Tyka Ramadhamayanti, Bandhar Aji Sukma Yudha


Wastewater from small-scale gold processing is causing mercury contamination in the river. It is important to know the estimation of the carrying capacity of river pollution due to mercury to support the improvement of the river ecosystem. The research objective was to calculate the load capacity of mercury pollution (Hg) in rivers around the gold mining and processing area of Pancurendang Village, Ajibarang District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java. The research begins with river discharge measurements. River discharge is measured by referring to SNI 8066: 2015. Water sampling was carried out at 12 river points with a purposive method that took into account the location (upstream, middle, downstream) and river characteristics, according to SNI 6989-78: 2008. Actual mercury levels in river water were tested at the UGM Integrated Research and Testing Laboratory (LPPT) with Mercury Analyzer. The results of the mercury and discharge levels are used to calculate the actual pollution load. The maximum pollution load is based on the quality standard of mercury in class 2 rivers, namely 0.005 ppm multiplied by river discharge. The load capacity of mercury pollution is obtained from the difference between the maximum pollution load and the actual pollution load. The results of river discharge measurements at the research location are quite varied, ranging from 0.0024-2.925 meters/second. The results of the calculation of the carrying capacity of mercury pollution loads in the river area around the gold mining and processing of Pancurendang Village show a range of 0.0000048-0.005904 kg/day with an average of 0.001325948 kg/day. The capacity of the river in Pancurendang Village has not exceeded its capacity. 


pollution load, environmental carrying capacity, gold mining, mercury pollution, rivers

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