Effectiveness of Turbidity Removal by Direct Filtration

Ekha Yogafanny, Titi Tiara Anasstasia, Vindy Fadia Utama


Umbulrejo Village, Ponjong District, Gunungkidul is one of the villages that has both karst and non-karst landforms. The variation of landforms that exist in this research area affects the quality of groundwater, either naturally or due to human activities. In the area obstructed by topography such as Umbulharjo Village, a centralized water management system is quite challenging, especially for those that use a piping system in its distribution. Hence, a decentralized water treatment system is required. The direct filtration method as one of the reliable methods in a decentralized water treatment system will be observed to treat water with a turbidity level of less than 10 NTU and 10 – 50 NTU. This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of turbidity removal using the direct filtration method. This research was conducted by a laboratory experiment. The coagulation, flocculation, and filtration were conducted in a continuous mode for 3 hours. The dependent variables measured were turbidity and Hydraulic loading rates (HLR).  The effectiveness of turbidity removal in this experiment was all good. Better effectiveness was achieved by the filter columns operated in the lower HLR (2.88 – 3.1 m/h). The HLR was proven affecting the filter performance thus increase the workability of direct filtration. While the higher HLR (4.8 m/h) resulted in a fluctuation in effluent turbidity. However, these two HLRs as recommended in the direct filtration method were excellent resulting from the effectiveness of turbidity removal ranging from 71.7% to 100%. It can be concluded that direct filtration can be used in a decentralized water treatment system. 


direct filtration, removal, turbidity

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31098/ess.v1i1.150

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Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Engineering and Science (ESS). 

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