Optimization Of Fish Catching Resulting Using Appropriate Technology

Sabihaini Sabihaini, Awang Hendrianto Pratomo, Heru Cahya Rustamaji


This research was conducted to optimize the fishing results of fishermen using Appropriate Technology by building a smart village that is not limited to Information Communication and Technology. Mapping of traditional fishermen in Depok, Kretek, Bantul Regency, DIY. The benefits of this research are to improve the welfare of traditional fishermen, and to increase the contribution of the fisheries sector to the regional and national economy, and to empower traditional fishermen to improve food security. The result of this research is by applying Appropriate Technology to the servant's navigation system, the fishermen can see changes in the weather, the location of the fish, the sending of danger signals if the ship is damaged at sea


Ship Navigation, Appropriate Technology, Fishermen, Yogyakarta

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.31098/ess.v1i1.169

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Copyright (c) 2020 Sabihaini Sabihaini, Awang Hendrianto Pratomo, Heru Cahya Rustamaji

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Proceeding of LPPM UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta Conference Series 2020 – Engineering and Science (ESS). 

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