Analyzing the Readiness of Junior High School Educators In the Online Learning Implementation During Covid-19: An Interview Study

Hulman Sihombing, Betty A.S. Pakpahan, Meditatio Situmorang


This research has the purpose of finding out the ReadinessReadiness of junior high school teachers in the online learning, and efforts which are carried out as well as obstacles that are dealt with in the online learning implementation at the time of Covid-19 pandemic. The kind of research which is used is qualitative-descriptive, with the interview technique. The result of the research shows that the junior high school educators enthusiastically respond the online learning by preparing the online learning devices and promoting the change of learning system to the students, and the online learning system is executed by utilizing applications, such as short message service, Whatsapp group, Zoom, phone, or live chat. The result of this research shows that junior high school teachers are ready to implement online learning in spite of not being optimal and dealing with various obstacles.


Readiness, Educator, Online Learning

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